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Chief Warden Hard Hat For Incident Response Management

Chief Warden Hard Hat
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Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: IR-CW-HH

Product Details Extended Information
Chief Warden Hard Hat for Incident Response Management
Watch a short video for more information about these Hard Hats

You should be. You must be.

Advanced Group's Incident Identification clothing and accessories are available to meet such situations. Let Advanced Group take you through one important first step.

Advanced Group has developed a range of incident identification clothing and accessories to postively assist in the control and management of evacuations, incidents and emergencies ensuring that key control personnel are easily and quickly identifiable to staff and the public. Such identification additionally allows attending emergency services people to quickly and more easily recognise, communicate and assist key responsible staff.

Enhancing safety in the event of an incident, crisis or evacuation affecting staff and the public by having those responsible people readily identifiable through effective personalised company incident identification clothing.

Advanced Group has a standard range of specialised clothing and titles to meet company emergency requirements. The clothing and accessories range is compact but totally adequate for such situations and circumstances. The Incident Identification Clothing Range comprises Five Specialised Items:

Hard hat
and Cap
And ten identifiable and specialised titles

�� Chief Warden Deputy Chief Warden Warden Fire Warden Floor Warden Area Warden First Aid OH&S Officer Security Building Manager.

And we can also make to meet special requirements. Company name and logo can be included on the specialised clothing. Special titles to meet a company's staffing needs can also be Producted.
Company Identification Advanced Group recommends the inclusion of company/ organisation name and or logo on incident identification clothing to provide greater assurance, security and recognition for the wearer.

A package to meet your needs.
Companies can order the full range of items or a selection of the items to meet their special needs. Advanced Group can advise on range and quantities.
Special Note: Advanced Group can also supply portable stands which provide directional and informational signage to assist in emergency and evacuation procedures. Check with Advanced Group or the web site: www.advancedroadsigns.com.au for further details.

Advanced Group also Productes a wide range of safety vests and tabards incorporating reflective tapes providing day and night protection. Incident identification vests and tabards with reflective tapes are available on special request. Call Advanced Group direct for further information. For more information on Advanced Group emergency and evacuation clothing and to discuss your company's requirements call Advanced Group direct on 1300 665 499 or email: sales@advancedroadsigns.com.au

Advanced Group's incident response clothing

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