Australian First Aid Information
DISCLAIMER; The following First Aid information is to act as an aid and reference point when researching your workplace safety requirements surrounding First Aid. the information and advice is general and not necessarily applicable to your specific business or workplace. If a topic relates to your business or workplace, you should make sure you do your own research on how applicable and relevant the information or advice is to your particular situation.
Links and Info on Current Australian First Aid/OH&S Related Legislation
[ NSW ] [ ACT ] [ VIC ] [ QLD ] [ SA ] [ WA ] [ TAS ] [ NT ]
First Aid Legislation, Regulations and Acts for Australian states and territories are set and governed by their respective government agency. In regards to First Aid safety, these rules and regulations are somewhat more ambiguous than other safety legislation such as No Smoking or Fire Regulations for example. The message here is to take your time going through the information. Most worksafe, workcover or government agencies put out their own code of practice for guidance. This is a document that is designed to accompany and compliment the Act and/or Legislation as a source of information on the topic. The information below provides some links and will hopefully provide a good starting point when researching Australian First Aid in the workplace.
New South Wales
Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000
- The act is the basis of Occupational Health and Safety law in NSW. In addition to the act there is a summary of the act which outlines the key issues. Both these documents can be viewed and downloaded from the NSW WorkCover website.
- The Occupational Health & Safety Regulation 2001 specifies a First Aid Kit class system, based on number of employees and industry. It is used to determine the type and number of First Aid Kits you should have on hand to service your workplace. Pay special attention to Chapter 2, in particular Chapter 2.20. Here the regulation sets out the guidelines related to First Aid facilities and personnel. To read the full version of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulation 2001 visit this NSW WorkCover site, which provides links to the document.
- The NSW workcover site also provides an excellent, informative First Aid guides. View the page at the NSW WorkCover website .
Occupational Health & Safety Act 1989
- The A.C.T register provides the Occupational Health & Safety Act 1989 relating to the A.C.T. Key areas to consider is Division 4.1 Safety Duties. The ACT WorkCover site provides links to the full document.
- The A.C.T government also enforces an Occupational Health & Safety Regulation (General) 2007 . there are some specific regulations unique to industry such as manual handling and machinery). Pay special attention to Division 3.2.2 which relates to First Aid. The ACT WorkCover site provides links to the full document .
- The A.C.T workcover provides a First Aid In The Workplace Code Of Practice . Section 5.1 provides some good guidance on First Aid kits. The document can be viewed at: The website also provides good information on manual handling, steel construction, working on roofs, etc.
Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004
- In Victoria Section 21 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 provides specific information on "Duties of Employers To Employees". WorkSafe victoria provide links to the full document .
- The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 specifies the way in which the obligations and responsibilities from the Act must be performed or implemented. View the regulation at WorkSafe Victoria .
- Finally the First Aid In The Workplace: Compliance Code provides practical guidance on meeting the requirements mentioned in Section 21(2)(d) of the Act. View the document here.
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995
- The Workplace Health and Safety ACT 1995 can form the base of your research, however in some cases you may find the code of practice listed below more practical in your research and implementation of the law. As always view the entire document at the Queensland Government website .
- Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008 has a clear section dedicated to First Aid. Part 24 First Aid. The regulation is quite general in its terms suggesting adequate, accessible, hygienic First Aid equipment be made available to all employees. View the entire document at the Queensland Government website.
- Like many of the other states to help clarify the Queensland regulation/act, Queensland has a dedicated First Aid Code of Practice 2004 that you may find more informative than the actual regulation itself. View the First Aid Code Of Practice 2004 from the Queensland government website.
South Australia
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986
- There are a total of three documents that can help in your research in regards to First Aid & OH&S in South Australia. There is the Act, Regulations and a Code Of Practice.
- In South Australia Section 19 of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 provides specific information on "Duties of Employers". The South Australian Legislation Government provides a link to the full document .
- The Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1995 is a 350 page relating to the acts, division 2.11.1 contains information directly related to occupational health and first aid in the workplace. The South Australian Legislation provides a link to the full document .
Arguably the most informative document relating to First Aid is the SA Code Of Practice For Occupational , Health and Safety. some of the topics the document addresses includes; First Aid Kits, First Aid Rooms, First Aid services and first Aid Training. The document can be downloaded from SA SafeWork website .
Western Australia
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
- Within WA there are a total of three documents that contain law and guidance regarding First aid requirements. The first of these documents is the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 . You can download the complete Act from the WorkSafe Wa website .
WorkSafe WA is a division of the Department Of Consumer and Employment Protection and responsible for the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996. The document is over 380 pages long. Areas to pay special attention to are; 3.12 First Aid. You can download the complete document from the Worksafe WA website . - WA also has a Code Of Practice: First Aid Facilities and Services. Chapter 1 focuses on First Aid and is probably the most precise regarding First aid requirements. the document can be downloaded from the Worksafe WA site with a host of other Codes Of Practice topics.
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995
- Tasmania has two documents that can help Tasmanian employers get an understanding of the law. There is the act and an independent workcover guide. The Tasmanian government provides the full Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995 for download.
Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1998 is the regulation in Tasmania that works in tandem with the states act. There is no specific section related to First Aid in the regulation, however we still recommend viewing the document from the Tasmanian Government website. - Workcover Tasmania provides A Guide To First Aid In The Workplace that assists Tasmanian employees understand the requirements of Section 9 among other sections of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 . Download A Guide To First Aid In The Workplace from the Tasmanian Workcover website.
Northern Territory
Work Health (Occupational Health and Safety) Regulations
- Northern Territory WorkSafe administers a variety of legislation throughout the Northern Territory. One regulation worth looking at is Work Health (Occupational Health and Safety) Regulation . Pay special attention to Section 30,31 and 52. Download the regulation from Worksafe NT.